Document three
An air raid in Dartford in 1914
Few, if any, residents in Dartford imagined they would be entirely
forgotten by the Kaiser's emissaries when they arranged their visiting
list for this country, and there was therefore no room for surprise when
about one o'clock on Christmas afternoon the sounds of heavy firing brought
many people to their doors and windows to see what had caused it.
Watchers on East Hill saw one machine approach the river at great
altitude, circle over the town, and then make off in the direction of
Gravesend to the accompaniment of reports from all sorts and sizes of
guns, and the occasional scream of a shell.
As the enemy passed over Stone a Vickers' biplane soared over the
houses from the marshes and gave chase. This was manned by Flight Lieutenant
Chidson and Corporal Martin of the Royal Flying Corps who are stationed
at Dartford. It appeared to be gaining on the flying foe as it passed
out of sight, and judging from the noise was keeping up a hot fire. The
German was hit at least twice
and seen to swerve, and it is thought that two other shots took effect,
though it was not possible to bring him down owing to the jamming of the
gun with which the British machine was armed.