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Document four

Aerial action over Dartford - an eyewitness account

(24.3.1917) Beautiful day. The weather was grand. An Airship came over in the morning and we saw it from the office windows. Returned in afternoon and being very low we had a splendid view both from the front and back garden. In the evening I went out with Ma and Elsie and when we arrived in town there was no light on stalls or street lamps. Police ordered motor and vehicle lamps out. Zepps about but no searchlights out. Nothing seen at all.

(29.9.1917) We were on our way home and the sirens went, so we hurried along, but heard nothing and reached home to hear the 'all clear' go, but this was not for long for presently they came back. 'Whiz' went the shells and it was quite an exciting time. Then quiet for a time, then back they came again. 'Whiz-bang' went our guns then quiet except for the noise of engines above, then 'pip-pip' from one of our airman's machine guns. Then 'whiz bang' from our guns, then quiet, and at 12.30 the welcome 'All Clear' sounded. Special Constables and Firemen came home, and we retired for the night.

(1.10.1917) Another big raid. Four sets of planes came over in different directions. Three reached London. Brent gun did not fire. The bombardment was terrific and our own planes were up at a tremendous height and for almost the whole time of the raid. The siren for an air raid action was about 7 or 7.15. 'All Clear' at 11.30. Saw one enemy plane being fired at.


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