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Document eleven

VE day celebrations in Dartford

"Our street party did not happen until Sunday 13 May 1945, in common with the rest of the nation, the residents of our street got together and celebrated VE (Victory in Europe) Day. I suppose the fare today would seem very mundane, but I really don't know how the grown-ups managed to provide a magnificent spread of assorted sandwiches, cakes and buns, tinned fruit and jellies. People really raided their store cupboards. Flags and even balloons appeared.

I don't remember if there was any music but there might have been an old wind-up gramophone. We did have some organised games, and of course prizes of second-hand and home-made toys and cash. I won a gollywog made from a black stocking and it had white buttons for eyes. I passed this on to a younger cousin, disappointed I had not won a cash prize of 6d which was a fortune".


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