WELCOME TO THE DARTFORD TOWN ARCHIVEThis archive forms part of Kent County Councils contribution to the National Grid for Learning. It is intended for anyone interested in the history of Dartford: the residents of the borough, local historians, and students at all levels. We hope that other communities will be encouraged to create their own archive websites. Please note that the site is currently under construction - see NEWS section below. |
HOW TO USE THE ARCHIVEThe archive is organised both chronologically and thematically. Dartfords history has been divided into five periods: Early History and Archaeology (From Prehistory to the Saxons), Medieval, Early Modern (from 1500 to 1800), the Nineteenth Century and the Twentieth Century. In addition there is a special theme on Inventors and Inventions reflecting the special role of industry and technology in the towns history. Teachers Pages: there is a teachers page for each period with suggested ways of using the material in schools with questions and activities linked to the National Curriculum. These pages will be regularly updated and suggestions are welcome. Themes overview: this enables the user to explore a theme across several periods. Glossary: there is a glossary of technical terms and historical definitions. Bibliography: arranged by period with comments on the strengths and weaknesses of the sources. |
OTHER RESOURCES, DARTFORD MUSEUM, THE TOWN ITSELFThough many of the physical remains of Dartfords past have not survived there is a surprising amount that has. The museum is an important but underused resource that contains a wealth of artefacts. Regular exhibitions are held. Significant buildings remain, both the obvious and the overlooked: Holy Trinity church and the Manor Gate House, and much nineteenth and twentieth century suburban housing. New Town on East Hill, the Tree Estate, and 1930s developments in West Dartford are worth exploring. |
NEWSNovember 2008 This site is still under construction. Sections that are complete include:-
Sections yet to be completed:-
For more information, contact Dartford Grammar School - contact details below.
UPDATESThis website will be regularly updated. COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONSComments and suggestions are welcome. Please contact the editors at the e-mail address sgeeves@dartfordgrammar.kent.sch.uk
LINKSDartford Borough Council website www.dartford.gov.uk Dartford Grammar School website www.dartfordgrammar.kent.sch.uk Morgan Internet Design www.mid.co.uk |
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThis website has been produced by David Lepine and Geoff Prout, editors, and Stephen Geeves, technical editor. Production of this website has been a collaborative effort and we are grateful to the following for their contributions. Our greatest debt is to Peter Boreham, a leading historian of Dartford and former curator of Dartford museum, who has written most of the text. His knowledge, enthusiasm and expertise has contributed substantially to the archive, not least the visual material. Dartford Borough Museum and Chris Baker have been unfailingly helpful in providing material to be photographed. Dartford Borough Council have been equally supportive in granting permission to use material from their publications and collections. Thanks also to Ian Coulson, Kent History Adviser and Kent County Council who initiated and funded the project, to Zack Morgan of Morgan Internet Design for his creativity and forbearance, and to Tony Smith, headteacher of Dartford Grammar School, for his oversight and support. We are grateful also to Roger Blackman and John Saunders at the Media Enterprise Department of North West Kent College of Technology who produced the video. |