Document two
An account of the action led by Sir Thomas Fairfax at
Northfleet bridge, May 1648
"In May, petitions being got up at Canterbury, praying the houses to treat
with the King, occasion was taken by many of the Royalists to assemble great numbers of
their party amounting to 6,000 horse and 1,000 foot. They chose Edward Hales Esq. for
their commander and Sir Thomas Peyton for their lieutenant general. The Kentish Royalists
made to Deptford where they encountered Sir Thomas Fairfax with four regiments of horse
and three of infantry, sent by Parliament to suppress them. Peace and pardon were offered
so long as the Kentish Royalists laid down their weapons and returned home.
The Royalists returned to Dartford leaving eight guns behind at Deptford. The
Parliamentarians proceeded to Northfleet Bridge which they found barricaded and fortified
with six hundred men to defend it. The insurgents retreated to Maidstone so General
Fairfax attacked the town. In this assault 200 of the Kentish Royalists were killed and
1,400 taken prisoner which broke their spirit".