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In the autumn of 2000 a major exhibition entitled "Inventive Minds" was staged in six centres across Dartford with the grateful support of the MILLENNIUM COMMISSION. This section is based upon the contents of that exhibition and its official brochure; a CD-ROM version is also available thanks to the MILLENNIUM COMMISSION.

This section pays special tribute to a disparate group of individuals and companies associated with Dartford whose inventions have made a significant contribution to the way in which our modern world has developed.

Imagine a world without trains, aeroplanes, paper, printing machines, banknotes, tin cans, and miracle medicines. All of these, and a number of other inventions, owe their existence to individuals or companies who at some time lived or worked in Dartford.

Dartford is justifiably proud of its track record of introducing new products and techniques to a world-wide market. We hope that local firms and individuals will continue this tradition in the new millennium.

Dartford has rightly been called "one town that changed the world". In November 2000 Dartford Borough Council unveiled a mural which commemorated these achievements, painted by Wallscapes, at One Bell Corner in the town centre.

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